About Me

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Vernon, British Columbia, Canada
Hi our names are Rachel and Kylie and we are new to both working overseas and blogging. So far it's been pretty easy thanks to The Working Holiday Club. Want to know or see more, just ask!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Chapter 23 "Working Hard for the Money"

It's the busiest time of the winter season here at Silver Star Resort and across all the other resorts throughout Canada. The Christmas Holiday's and New Year's Celebrations has sent the resort into overdrive. Some staff are pulling 50+ hours each week and are even staying in on the weekends so they are fresh to keep powering on. Not to mention we all need the cash to pay off the credit card debts travelling has got us into...

It has been crazy meeting all these different people from all corners of the world. Each have a different story to tell and they all bring a unique energy to the mountain. We've met a lot of Aussies (which makes you feel like you have a little piece of home), Famous people like this NHL Hockey Player

Stanley Cup Winner, Willie Mitchell
Local Music Artist & even owners of big ski brand companies... 

Sometimes you don't even notice who they are cause your so busy making sure everyone has a magical experience; it's not until you've gave the tickets to them and sent them on their way that your co-worker says "You know who that was right?"

We also hosted a Rail Jam at Silver star Mountain Friday night which brought talent from all over Canada to compete against each other in front of hundred of people. It was great to watch but even greater to know that your co-workers and friends help create such a awesome event...

Rail Jam Comp Picture from Silver Star Resorts Facebook Page.

It might be a lot of work now, with all the long hours and lack of patients for each other but it'll be over mid January and we'll be out on our boards again and eating two minute noodles. 

But for now, waking up to views like this every morning, sure as hell make it worth the long days and annoying alarm clocks....

Lisa McCabe from The Working Holiday Club took this Christmas Morning.


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Friday, December 28, 2012

Chapter 22 "Snow Mobile Tour"

So just before Christmas I went on a Snow Mobile Tour with the Guest Services Team. With all the crazy Christmas preparation and long working hours I overseen letting you know about it. But now that I have a few spare moments I wanted to share the amazing experience I had with you...

Snow Mobile & Helmet on the Trail

Trevor & Tyler from Okanagan Recreation Rentals are really great guys that run the tours. They took us to places on the mountain that most people dream of going and seeing. The Scenery was breath taking, the people that surrounded me were fantastic and getting paid to do it was just a bonus...

Guest Services & Events Team....

I decided to double up with Dave a Working Holiday Club Member. I knew we were going to have lots of fun together, rather than doing it alone. Which is was, as you can see from the picture of us below....

Dave & I on our snow mobile...
Plus it meant I could take in the scenery & take a few pictures too...

Beautiful Scenery
We went on the Snow Mobile tours to understand the product a little better, to sell more activities & to have some fun too of course. It was an awesome experience & since doing a tour the whole team has been selling activities like crazy...

 My most favoured part of the tour was the moment when I reflected on my life & how truly amazing it can be when you allow yourself to live.

Being in Canada, seeing & doing things you were only dreaming about a few months ago and it becoming reality, feels like such a great accomplishment already and we've only just begun...


Got a question? Feedback? Want to do a working holiday?
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Monday, December 24, 2012

Chapter 21 "Our 1st White Christmas"

This year was our first Christmas away from home and not to mention it was also our 1st White Christmas. 

We thought it be best that we create a little video from us...

So here it is... 

We hope your all having as much fun as us this year. It's been great to have snow, a fire place and Christmas Carollers. 

Thank you to all The Working Holiday Club Members & Ski Silver Star Resort for a magical christmas...


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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Chapter 20- "End of The World Party"

So the world hasn't ended yet... But we celebrated it just in case, or we celebrated the fact it didn't end, or we just simply got drunk because we could. It happens a lot with The Working Holiday Club members. This is what it looked like...

Now you might notice that neither Kylie or myself are in any of these pictures. That's because we didn't finish work till midnight and decided to have a night in... 

You may think it's a bit lame on our behalf, however we had to get up early for work the next day as well...

We will however be there for the next Rock Star Party effort, but for right now  with Christmas around the corner work needs us at our best. 

That is what a working holiday is about I suppose; balancing the work & the holiday...

Besides... Kylie & I both know there will be another party next weekend, and the week after, and the week after that...

"Keep those undies clean because Santa Claus is coming to town"

Ask us a question, give us some feedback:
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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Chapter 19 "P Party"

P.A.R.T. (WHY?) Cause we got to...

So on the 7th of December we had a 'P' Party night at The Saloon at Silver Star Mountain Resort. We have been so busy with all the interviews, photos, videos, work, snowboarding, ice skating and I'll stop now because I'm surely making you all jealous; that we had completely over seen our blog about our 'P' Party Night.

There's not much to say but there are alot of photos to show. 

So if you haven't added us to facebook here is the link :
Or you can add us at any time on the side panel....
Well I won't hold anymore suspense...
In order from the beginning....

Practising how we are going to hug the bowl...

Sculling... & Dave is?

Even teddy had too much...

The short stroll from staff accommodation to The Saloon...

Finally at The Saloon...

There are a tonne of other photos that I can't post because staff accommodation wifi is pretty horrid when 140+ other people are sharing it at the same time...

What the photos don't show you is that Kylie & I were so drunk that we only lasted about an hour and a half out... So there weren't a lot of photos to show anyways, it all ended very abruptly.... Lucky for us we had lessons prior to getting drunk on how to use the toilet bowl... 

But as you can see from the pictures it was a great night, since then there has been Ladies & Gents nights and this Friday night is The End Of The World Party. (what would you wear on your last day on earth?)


Leave us a comment with what you would wear on your last day on earth and what you would want to do the most...  
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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Chapter 18- Blog Removed, lesson's learnt.

Since starting this blog we have tried to create new and exciting topics for you to read and engage in each and every single week. Since doing the interviews via pen & paper we always had the idea to do it via video.

The opportunity arose, it was published & then some  circumstances happened and it needed to be removed... 

***this is where the tube tube clip would have been***

Instead we are going to post a motivation picture for the day

We concur...

I think this is pretty fair to say...

It's true...

There are a few other videos on our YouTube Channel and a lot more to come. Kylie & I have had so much request for people wanting to have their say on what their working holiday is about with The Working Holiday Club that we just can't keep up with it all...

So if you interested leave a comment to be interviewed yourself...

This Working Holiday Club is getting better and better everyday through the people we meet and the experience we share....

Its teaching us all sorts of valuable lesson about growth, people's personalities, friendships and laughter....

Come join us next season Just click on The Working Holiday Club link and see how easy it is to do with a little help from them...

Leave us a comment with your interest in being Interviewed...
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Friday, December 14, 2012

Chapter 17 "Tube Town- Kylie's Job"

So for all you that have read our previous blog "Chapter 15- Guest Services- Rachel's job" and wanted something care free and easy whilst your on a working holiday; so you can have plenty of time to snow boarding or for skiing. Let me tell you about the sweet job that The Working holiday Club lined me up with this season at Silver Star Mountain Resort...

...Tube Town...

Tube town Work Crew

You can even have a catchy song that goes with it...
"Tube operator... Tuuuuuubbbeee oooppppeerrrator..."
**sing to the tune of smooth operator**

This job is hands down the best job on the mountain...

WHY you ask?

* Well it's a load of fun.

* You have the best work mates.

* Even the bosses are RAD (aka Becky and Ewen) 

* Everyone that comes to tube town wants to have fun...
(so it's so easy to enjoy yourself)

* Every job you get at tube town is so new and exciting... 
Oh! Except if you are working in PIT ... that job sucks ... it's cold, lonely and BORING..  
(I even put this is little writing because I really dont want you to think it's too important)

* Oh! And did I mention it's hard work sometimes...
(It's still classified as a pro because it's only sometimes)

Tube Town Crew strolling around on their day off...

I have been working mostly afternoon shifts and let me tell you I'm coming home at 10pm absolutely exhausted. The job it's self is amazing, but very physical, which im not quite use to yet. However, every day I'm getting up and can't wait to get back to Tube Town to do it all over again.

Here are some more pictures from Tube Town incase all the smiling faces in the previous photos wasn't 
enough evidence for you...

Having fun opening day/night...


Leave us a comments & tell us who's job you think is the best
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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Chapter 16 "Lisa McCabe- Personal Pastry Chef"

So we have been busy, busy,busy.... doing NOT a lot.. but getting to know each other and the magical mountain that we have been living on.. We have finally had a chance to get out there and explore the mountain and everything it has to offer..

The Working Holiday Club Staff Members are all over getting interviewed. I have had so many request to do so. It just goes to show what an outgoing friendly bunch of people we have that are surrounding us...

Lisa McCabe

NAME: Lisa McCabe 
AGE: 30 "yuk"
HOME COUNTRY: Australia.

Life Motto: I'm here to make everybody FAT... 
                                      TELL US A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF..
Ummm.... Half way through travelling around the world, for my mid life crisis ... and my 2 loves are CHOCOLATE and SUGAR..and my dream is to find a Canadian Mountie..

The Cricket..aka Ricky...and Carmelo Koalas


If you were stranded on a desert island with just one toiletry what would it be?
Def baby wipes, you can do anything with them.

If your house was on fire, all your loved ones and pets were safe what would be the one thing you would grab??
My Ricky Pointing Signed cricket bat..

Favourite pizza topping??
Ham, cheese, pineapple, prawns, salami and onion..

What's your dream job??
To be the first female cricket ICC cricket umpire.

What my idea of a perfect day??
Waking up on my top bunk, to Rachel's farts and the whiny voice of Kylie complaining about us snoring, and then baking some delicious treats.


Stumbled across a photo of Jake and thought he was a hottie and wanted to meet him.

I didn't want to go to Whistler too many Aussies...


White Bonds Boylegs.


Leave us a comment with questions you would like us to ask...
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Sunday, December 9, 2012

Chapter 15 "Guest Service- Rachel's Job"

Incase you haven't been reading our blog, I secured a position with the guest services team. Unlike Kylie who just wanted a care free job in Tube Town; I still wanted to maintain a healthy resume for whatever I might apply for in the future.

As part of my guest services job is to have great knowledge and understanding of all the things that happen on Silver Star Mountain Resort. This is so I can give our guest the best service and advice when helping them with their needs. To be able to perform my job to a high enough standard there come some great benefits. Like.. 

Free dinners at the different restaurants; so we can inform guest of the atmosphere and menu. 

Free snow-shoeing tours so we can advise guest of the type of clothing that should be worn; level of activeness and how much energy they should reserve... 

Snow Shoeing

Free dinner and sleigh ride home from The Wild Horseman's Cabin; so we can advice guest of the type of experience they will have.

Wild Horseman's Cabin Dinner & Sleigh Ride...

Guest service team members might enjoy a whole heap of free benefits but ultimately it is our responsibility to ensure each and ever single guest has a magical stay at Silver Star Mountain Resort.  

It's also involves a fair few hours so less time out on the snow shredding up the pow. However for those of you that a considering a working holiday with The Working Holiday Club and still want a impressive resume when they return home; you can have both!

Or if you want a care free job that will give you plenty of time to snow board or ski try something like Tube Town, Food & Beverage or Lift Op's...

Well I need to go do some washing we are running our of clean undies...


Leave us some feedback/comments/questions:
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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Chapter 14 "Player No. 2- Glenn with 2x N's"

If you have been reading our blogs; which you should be and considering your reading this one I'm sure you have been. If your not reading this I suppose I don't need to even mention it because your not reading this... Any who I swear I am tired and not taking illegal substances (The Working Holiday Club Guys Julia, Jake & Andy were at the mountain creating a fiasco last night at the speed meet) so more to the point we have decided that this working holiday is NOT all about us! But Please support us, leave us a comment like our post, share it even...

Like previously mentioned we have met soooo many great and colourful people throughout our travels and we would love you guys to meet some of them.

Here is one of the first guys we met when we arrived to Silver star Staff Accommodation. Im not going to say he is nice, kind and funny; well I will say he is funny but as for the nice.. *insert obscure face* just joking he's nice.... 


NAME: Glenn Rees-Gilling 
AGE: 24 years "young"
HOME COUNTRY: Australia.
JOB ON THE MOUNTAIN: Guest services.
JOB OFF THE MOUNTAIN: Event manager.

Life Motto: It's better to sit there and look stupid than to open your mouth and prove it..
                                      TELL US A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF..
Generally killing it on the reg, I travel a lot and never really at home, like reading books and spooning and i don't like hot drinks, it confuses my mouth.

My mates, my dogs and hard training at the gym.


If you were a porn star what name would you have??
Bruce Lunges

Name something you wanna forget??
The holocaust

Have you broken any bones??
yes... Broke my finger putting on my shoe

What was the last lie you told??
Telling someone that i haven't read the trivial pursuit answer cards yet..

What would you do with a million dollars??
Count it.

***this is the best answer ever***

google searched it... found it.. here I am

Didn't like Whistler, I liked Quaint...


Black fruit of the loom trunks.


Leave us a comment with questions you would like us to ask...
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