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Vernon, British Columbia, Canada
Hi our names are Rachel and Kylie and we are new to both working overseas and blogging. So far it's been pretty easy thanks to The Working Holiday Club. Want to know or see more, just ask!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Chapter 6 "Disney Land"

Ok so after only one night in the USA hostel we jumped online and checked out other accommodation that was more suited to our taste. The atmosphere there was good inside the hostel but Hollywood in general is not a place I would recommend to stay. Its like a black hole and to get anywhere costs a lot! Plus it was going to cost us a lot of park time in Disney land because of the bus times!

So we spent day two and night two in the hostel these are some of the pics of the things we did around Hollywood....

Day 2 Sight seeing in LA/Hollywood.
Then... we stayed here... The most magical place on Earth!

DisneyLand Paradise Pier Resort

So checking into to disneyland tripled our nightly accommodation. But it was without a doubt worth every cent (well dime here in USA). DisneyLand was one word for me "wow" Kylie literally got sick of me saying it! And our view wasn't  that of those in jail cells.

Everyone reading this blog I'm not going to tease you about how amazing DisneyLand is! BUT SERIOUSLY DISNEYLAND IS SO FREAKING RAD! Just go there already, stop reading this blog, book your accommodation, flight and tickets right now. Don't even think twice about it, you don't have to, it's Disneyland. Seriously why are you still reading this? Shouldn't you be doing your research? 

Here are a few picts to entice you...

Disney Land and California Adventure Park.

And if those don't make you jealous, we met these two favourite characters...

Mickey & Minnie Mouse

Well enough of the pictures you guys will have your own memories to make here. I still don't understand why your even reading this. Don't you have a flight to catch already? But if you are Im really happy you are reading this, because there would be no real point to having a blog. Which reminds me you should really subscribe to us! Every time we have a new blog it'll shoot you a email. Well not literally shoot you, I'm not sure the technical term on the internet, but it somehow appears in your mail box.

We just checked into a San Diego Hostel and there are some cool people with great stories ready to be told sitting around us... So you'll here from us soon. Until then... 


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  1. So glad you stayed at Disneyland sounds fantastic or should I say "WOW" it would be an experience and a half on it's own, love you heaps and miss you xxx Mum xx

  2. It was awesome. you really should go to Disneyland. It was like i said "wow" Big loves up to you mumma bear xoxoxoxox

  3. Hey Girls ... been watching you both closely keeping an eye on all you do and see ... It is a life time experience your having and it would be and awesome place to go to ... You got to see my favourites ... Mickey & Minnie Mouse ... Stay Happy & safe for your return to OZ one day ... keep the great pics coming ... xxxxx Karen & Family
